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Leksikanın inkişafı: Azərbaycan dilindəki sözlərin mənşəyi, quruluşu və işlənməsi

What is Leksika and why is it important for learning Azerbaijani?

Leksika is a term that refers to the vocabulary of a language, or the set of all the words that a language has. Leksika is an essential part of any language, as it allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, ideas, and information. Leksika is also a reflection of the culture, history, and identity of a language community. In this article, we will explore what leksika is and why it is important for learning Azerbaijani, one of the most beautiful and rich languages in the world.

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Leksika: The vocabulary of a language

Leksika is derived from the Greek word lexikos, which means "of or relating to words". Leksika is the subject of study in lexicology, a branch of linguistics that deals with the nature, meaning, origin, and usage of words. In Azerbaijani, leksika is also called lüğət tərkibi or söz varlığı.

How leksika is studied in lexicology

Lexicology studies the words of a language from different perspectives. One of the main aspects that lexicology examines is the meaning of words. Words have different types of meanings depending on their context and function. Lexicology distinguishes between two main types of meanings: leksik and grammatical.

The difference between leksik and grammatical meanings of words

The leksik meaning of a word is its basic, direct, or literal meaning. It is what a word denotes or refers to in reality. For example, the word qapı has the leksik meaning of "a movable barrier that opens and closes an entrance". The leksik meaning of a word can be explained by using synonyms, antonyms, definitions, or examples.

The grammatical meaning of a word is its secondary, indirect, or figurative meaning. It is what a word conveys or implies about the category, number, case, tense, mood, voice, or aspect of a word. For example, the word qapı has the grammatical meaning of "a noun that denotes an object". The grammatical meaning of a word can be identified by using parts of speech, inflections, or constructions.

The types of leksik meanings: literal and figurative

Another way to classify the leksik meanings of words is based on whether they are literal or figurative. Literal meanings are those that correspond to the actual or original sense of a word. Figurative meanings are those that deviate from the literal sense and use some form of comparison or association. Figurative meanings are often used to create imagery, emotion, humor, or emphasis.

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is used for making tools and weapons". The word dəmir also has the figurative meaning of "a strong or stubborn person". This meaning is based on a metaphor that compares a person to a metal. Figurative meanings can be expressed by using idioms, proverbs, similes, metaphors, personifications, hyperboles, or euphemisms.

Leksika: The richness and diversity of Azerbaijani words

Leksika is not a static or fixed entity. It is constantly changing and evolving as new words are created, borrowed, or modified. Leksika is also not a uniform or homogeneous entity. It is composed of different groups or categories of words that have different characteristics and functions. Leksika can be classified into various categories based on meaning relations, origin and usage, and structure and formation.

The categories of leksika based on meaning relations

Meaning relations are the connections or associations that exist between words based on their meanings. Meaning relations can be classified into three main types: monosemantic and polysemantic words, homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms, and common and uncommon words.

Monosemantic and polysemantic words

Monosemantic words are words that have only one leksik meaning. They are also called univocal or unambiguous words. For example, the word qızıl has only one leksik meaning: "a precious metal that has a yellow color". Monosemantic words are rare and usually belong to scientific or technical terms.

Polysemantic words are words that have more than one leksik meaning. They are also called multivocal or ambiguous words. For example, the word qızıl has several leksik meanings: "a color that resembles gold", "a coin that is made of gold", "a medal that is awarded for the first place in a competition", etc. Polysemantic words are common and usually belong to everyday language.

Homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms

Homonyms are words that have the same form but different meanings. They can be divided into two types: homographs and homophones. Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different pronunciation and meaning. For example, the word yel can be pronounced as /jel/ meaning "wind" or as /jɛl/ meaning "year". Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different spelling and meaning. For example, the word yel can be spelled as yel meaning "wind" or as yıl meaning "year".

Synonyms are words that have similar or identical meanings. They can be divided into two types: absolute and relative synonyms. Absolute synonyms are words that have exactly the same meaning in all contexts and situations. For example, the words bəyaz and ağ mean "white" in Azerbaijani and they can be used interchangeably without changing the sense of a sentence. Relative synonyms are words that have similar but not identical meanings in some contexts and situations. For example, the words bəyaz and açıq mean "white" in Azerbaijani but they cannot be used interchangeably in all cases because they have different shades of meaning.

Antonyms are words that have opposite or contrasting meanings. They can be divided into two types: complementary and gradable antonyms. Complementary antonyms are words that have mutually exclusive meanings. For example, the words var and yox mean "there is" and "there is not" in Azerbaijani and they cannot coexist in the same situation. Gradable antonyms are words that have opposite meanings on a scale or continuum. For example, the words böyük and kiçik mean "big" and "small" in Azerbaijani and they can be compared by using degrees of comparison.

Common and uncommon words

Common words are words that are frequently used in a language and are familiar to most speakers. They usually have general or abstract meanings and belong to the core vocabulary of a language. For example, the word adam means "human" in Azerbaijani and it is a common word that is used in many contexts.

Uncommon words are words that are rarely used in a language and are unfamiliar to most speakers. They usually have specific or concrete meanings and belong to the peripheral vocabulary of a language. For example, the word zəncəfil means "ginger" in Azerbaijani and it is an uncommon word that is used in limited contexts.

The categories of leksika based on origin and usage

the development and variation of leksika. Leksika can be classified into various categories based on origin and usage, such as dialect words and regional variations, terms and specialized words, and foreign borrowings and loanwords.

Dialect words and regional variations

Dialect words are words that are specific to a certain dialect or variety of a language. They may differ from the standard or common form of a language in terms of pronunciation, spelling, meaning, or usage. Dialect words reflect the geographical, social, or historical diversity of a language community. For example, the word qar means "snow" in standard Azerbaijani, but it is pronounced as qor in some northern dialects.

Regional variations are words that are used differently or have different meanings in different regions or areas of a country or a language community. They may also reflect the cultural, climatic, or environmental differences of a region. For example, the word şirin means "sweet" in standard Azerbaijani, but it also means "beautiful" in some southern regions.

Terms and specialized words

Terms are words that are used to denote specific concepts or phenomena in a certain field or domain of knowledge. They usually have precise and unambiguous meanings and follow certain rules or conventions. Terms are often created by using existing words, combining words, or borrowing words from other languages. For example, the word fotosentez means "photosynthesis" in Azerbaijani and it is a term used in biology. It is composed of two Greek words: photo meaning "light" and synthesis meaning "combination".

Specialized words are words that are used to express specific ideas or information in a certain profession or occupation. They usually have technical or jargon meanings and are understood by a limited group of people. Specialized words are often derived from common words, modified by affixes, or abbreviated by initials. For example, the word mühasib means "accountant" in Azerbaijani and it is a specialized word used in finance. It is derived from the common word hesab meaning "calculation".

Foreign borrowings and loanwords

Foreign borrowings are words that are taken from other languages and adapted to the phonetic, orthographic, and grammatical system of a language. They usually fill the gaps or needs of a language for new words or concepts. Foreign borrowings can be classified into two types: direct and indirect borrowings. Direct borrowings are words that are taken directly from the source language without any change. For example, the word bank means "bank" in Azerbaijani and it is a direct borrowing from English. Indirect borrowings are words that are taken from the source language through an intermediate language with some change. For example, the word şəhər means "city" in Azerbaijani and it is an indirect borrowing from Persian through Turkish.

Loanwords are words that are borrowed from other languages but retain their original form and meaning. They usually have foreign pronunciation, spelling, and grammar and are marked by quotation marks or italics. Loanwords are often used to show respect, admiration, or familiarity with another culture or language. For example, the word "sushi" means "sushi" in Azerbaijani and it is a loanword from Japanese.

The categories of leksika based on structure and formation

Structure and formation are two aspects that determine how words are built and created in a language. Leksika can be classified into various categories based on structure and formation, such as the parts of a word: root, affix, stem; the types of words based on structure: simple, compound, derived, complex; and the ways of word formation: derivation, composition, conversion, abbreviation, etc.

The parts of a word: root, affix, stem

The root is the basic or core part of a word that carries its main meaning. It is also called the base or radix of a word. The root cannot be divided into smaller parts and it usually does not change its form. For example, the word kitab means "book" in Azerbaijani and it has only one root: kitab.

added after the root of a word. For example, the word bəxtiyar means "happy" in Azerbaijani and it has one suffix: -iyar meaning "having or being".

The stem is the part of a word that remains after removing all the affixes from a word. It is also called the base or root of a word. The stem can be identical to the root or it can be different from the root. For example, the word bəxtiyar means "happy" in Azerbaijani and it has one stem: bəxt meaning "luck".

The types of words based on structure: simple, compound, derived, complex

Simple words are words that consist of only one root and no affixes. They are also called primary or basic words. For example, the word qız means "girl" in Azerbaijani and it is a simple word with only one root: qız.

Compound words are words that consist of two or more roots and no affixes. They are also called secondary or composite words. For example, the word qızılbaş means "redhead" in Azerbaijani and it is a compound word with two roots: qızıl meaning "red" and baş meaning "head".

Derived words are words that consist of one root and one or more affixes. They are also called tertiary or derivative words. For example, the word qızıllıq means "redness" in Azerbaijani and it is a derived word with one root: qızıl meaning "red" and one suffix: -lıq meaning "quality or state".

Complex words are words that consist of two or more roots and one or more affixes. They are also called quaternary or complex words. For example, the word qızılbaşlıq means "redheadness" in Azerbaijani and it is a complex word with two roots: qızıl meaning "red" and baş meaning "head" and one suffix: -lıq meaning "quality or state".

The ways of word formation: derivation, composition, conversion, abbreviation, etc.

Word formation is the process of creating new words from existing words or parts of words. There are different ways of word formation in a language, such as derivation, composition, conversion, abbreviation, etc.

Derivation is the way of word formation that involves adding affixes to a root or a stem to form a new word. For example, the word qızıllamaq means "to become red" in Azerbaijani and it is formed by adding the suffix -la to the stem qızıl meaning "red". Derivation can change the meaning or the part of speech of a word.

Composition is the way of word formation that involves combining two or more roots to form a new word. For example, the word qızılçiçək means "poppy" in Azerbaijani and it is formed by combining two roots: qızıl meaning "red" and çiçək meaning "flower". Composition can create new meanings or concepts by combining existing ones.

Conversion is the way of word formation that involves changing the part of speech of a word without changing its form. For example, the word kitab means "book" in Azerbaijani and it can be used as a noun or as a verb meaning "to book". Conversion can create new functions or uses for existing words.

Abbreviation is the way of word formation that involves shortening a word or a phrase to form a new word. For example, the word AZN means "Azerbaijani manat" in Azerbaijani and it is formed by abbreviating the phrase Azərbaycan manatı. Abbreviation can make words easier to write or pronounce.

Leksika: The source of creativity and expression in Azerbaijani

Leksika is not only a tool for communication and information, but also a source of creativity and expression in Azerbaijani. Leksika reflects the culture and history of Azerbaijan, enriches the literature and art of Azerbaijan, and enables communication and interaction in Azerbaijani.

How leksika reflects the culture and history of Azerbaijan

Leksika is a mirror that shows the culture and history of Azerbaijan. Leksika reveals the values, beliefs, traditions, customs, habits, and lifestyles of Azerbaijanis. Leksika also records the events, changes, achievements, and challenges that Azerbaijan has faced throughout its history. Leksika preserves the identity, heritage, and legacy of Azerbaijan for future generations. Leksika also adapts to the modern and global trends and influences that affect Azerbaijan in the present.

How leksika enriches the literature and art of Azerbaijan

Leksika is a treasure that enriches the literature and art of Azerbaijan. Leksika provides the means and materials for creating various forms and genres of literature and art, such as poetry, prose, drama, folklore, music, painting, sculpture, etc. Leksika also allows the expression of various themes and emotions in literature and art, such as love, patriotism, humor, sorrow, etc. Leksika also enhances the beauty and style of literature and art by using various devices and techniques, such as rhyme, rhythm, metaphor, simile, personification, etc.

How leksika enables communication and interaction in Azerbaijani

Leksika is a bridge that enables communication and interaction in Azerbaijani. Leksika facilitates the exchange of information, ideas, opinions, and feelings among speakers of Azerbaijani. Leksika also helps to establish and maintain social relationships and roles among speakers of Azerbaijani. Leksika also enables the participation and integration of speakers of Azerbaijani in various domains and contexts, such as education, business, media, politics, etc.


Leksika is a vital and valuable aspect of Azerbaijani language. Leksika is the vocabulary of a language that can be studied from different perspectives: meaning, origin, usage, structure, and formation. Leksika is also the reflection of the culture and history of Azerbaijan, the enrichment of the literature and art of Azerbaijan, and the enabler of communication and interaction in Azerbaijani. Leksika is a source of creativity and expression that makes Azerbaijani a unique and rich language.


Here are some frequently asked questions about leksika:

  • What is the difference between leksika and söz?

Leksika is a term that refers to the vocabulary or the set of words of a language. Söz is a term that refers to a word or a unit of language that has meaning.

  • How many words are there in Azerbaijani leksika?

There is no definitive answer to this question as leksika is constantly changing and evolving. However, some estimates suggest that there are about 100,000 words in Azerbaijani leksika.

  • What are some sources or influences for Azerbaijani leksika?

Azerbaijani leksika has been influenced by various sources or languages throughout its history. Some of the major sources or influences are Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Russian, English, French, German, etc.

  • How can I improve my Azerbaijani leksika?

watching movies, shows, videos, podcasts, etc. in Azerbaijani, listening to songs, radio, speeches, conversations, etc. in Azerbaijani, speaking with native or fluent speakers of Azerbaijani, writing essays, stories, letters, emails, etc. in Azerbaijani, using dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, etc. to learn new words and meanings in Azerbaijani.

  • What are some examples of leksika in other languages?

Leksika is a term that can be used for any language. Some examples of leksika in other languages are vocabulary in English, vocabulario in Spanish, vocabulaire in French, Wortschatz in German, словарь in Russian, etc.


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